les membres du groupe et leur univers


Nom du premier groupe où deux futurs membres de Radiohead se sont croisés pour la première fois : Colin Greenwood et Thom Yorke. Il se serait formé à la Abingdon School d’Oxford, où les deux étaient élèves de la même promotion. TNT comptait a priori 6 membres.

[quote align=’none’  cite=”Record Collection, novembre 1996″]Soon, Thom joined a sixth-form punk band, TNT. When he got fed up with their lack of progress and left, Colin replaced him.[/quote]

A priori, la formation était orientée punk. Thom y fut chanteur, un peu par défaut, parce que personne d’autre ne voulait l’être. Il a quitté le groupe quand il n’a pu plus supporter les egos des autres membres.

[quote align=’none’    cite=”Select, avril 1995″]Two years later, Thom joined the school punk band, TNT, and stepped in front of the microphone for the first time. No one else wanted to be the singer, so he thought he’d try it.

“I started singing into this little stereo mike tied to the end of a broomstick handle. Everyone just started falling about laughing, and that was that. That was my introduction to singing.”

Once he realised that the other members of TNT all had bigger mouths and bigger egos than he did, he began stalking the corridors of the school in search of the people to make up his own band.



Colin jouait de la basse :

[quote cite=”Rolling Stone Yearbook, fin 1997″ ]Yorke spent ever-increasing amounts of time in the school’s sound-proofed rehearsal rooms, teaching himself to sing. He soon joined a punk band, TNT, which featured one of his schoolmates, Colin Greenwood, on bass.[/quote]

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Thames Vale Youth Orchestra



Amatrice du groupe, surtout en concert. Travaille sur ce site depuis 10 ans.

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