les membres du groupe et leur univers

Thom Yorke

[tabs model=”1″ color=”blue”] [tab title=”Qui est-t’il ?”]

[quote cite=”Nigel Godrich Les Inrocks, juin 2001″ avatar=”http://www.radiohead.fr/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Nigel+Godrich+3-220×165.jpg”]Pas seulement le chanteur, mais aussi la figure de proue. Une tornade de créativité et une incroyable source d’inspiration pour tous ceux qui le fréquentent. Il adorerait posséder une Porsche, mais c’est contre ses principes.[/quote]

[button style=’blue’ icon=’iconic-cd’ fullwidth=’true’]Sa participation dans le groupe[/button]

Thomas Edward Yorke est né le 7 octobre 1968 à Wellingborough dans le Northamptonshire. Il est le chanteur et leader du groupe Radiohead. Il vit à Oxford, Angleterre. Il a été en couple pendant 23 ans avec Rachel Owen, une artiste peintre rencontrée à l’université d’Exeter, avec qui il a deux enfants  : Noah et Agnes Mair. Ils se sont séparés à l’été 2015. Il travaille également sur d’autres projets parallèles.

Voix (et quelle voix ! ), guitare, piano… et d’autres instruments.

En savoir plus sur ses instruments


[button style=’blue’ icon=’iconic-cd’ fullwidth=’true’] Jeunesse [/button]

Né avec la paupière de son Å“il gauche paralysée, Thom subit cinq opérations pendant ses cinq premières années. Il porte même pendant un an un bandeau… Ses camarades de classe le surnomment « la salamandre ».

[quote cite=’Vox, février 1996′]Salamander, cos my eyes are wonky. I didn’t like it. I got into a fight with the guy who originated the name, but that didn’t stop it. It was a very malicious school and everyone had malicious nicknames, so Salamander was par for the course.

Le métier de son père, physicien de formation, plus tard vendeur en produits chimiques, a amené la petite famille (Thom a un frère cadet) à bouger régulièrement, en Ecosse, puis dans l’Oxfordshire en 1978.

Ancien champion universitaire de boxe, le père de Thom a essayé d’initier ses fils à ce sport… mais ça n’a pas trop pris…

[quote cite=’Rolling Stone, septembre 1995′]His father sold chemical-engineering equipment and was a champion university boxer. “One of the first things he ever bought me was a pair of boxing gloves,” says Yorke. “He used to try to teach me to box, but whenever he hit me, I’d fall flat on my ass.



A 7 ans, Thom Yorke connait sa première aventure amoureuse !

[quote cite=’Vox, février 1996′]Losing my virginity was a lot less spectacular than having my first French kiss. I was seven, she was my first girlfriend .We were in the playground and we promised to get married straight afterwards. But then I moved away from Scotland , where I lived, and never saw her again. I was hoping she’d come to our gig there the other night, but she didn’t. She probably doesn’t remember me at all, but I remember her. Her name was Kate Ganson, and her dad had a great Lotus car. But losing my virginity was very disappointing. There was lots of mess and horribleness. [/quote]

Quand il a 8 ans, la famille se base à Oxford. A la même époqie, il commence la guitare. Le guitariste Brian May du groupe Queen, qu’il a vu à la télé,  lui a donné l’envie d’être musicien. Ses parents lui font alors cadeau d’une guitare acoustique.

[quote cite=’Select, mai 1993′]“First of all I wanted to be Brian May.” Uh- oh! “I went into a guitar lesson when I was eight and said, I wanna be a pop star…” [/quote]

Il n’est au départ par très doué…

[quote cite=’MTV, janvier 2013′]“I had to cheat with the neck on the guitar,” he admitted. “I found an old—somewhere a neighbor gave me a neck of an electric guitar. I was like, “Great, okay, that’s good.” But you know, I was 10 or 11, so I was trying to like bolt it together to this other piece of wood that I’d cut out and it was just a disaster. But it kind of worked, but it was ugly.”

source : http://www.mtv.com/news/2698551/thom-yorke-alec-baldwin-interview/ [/quote]


Il rejoint son premier groupe à l’âge de onze ans alors qu’il fréquente une école privée pour garçons à Abingdon, où il rencontrera les futurs membres du groupe Radiohead. C’est d’ailleurs à 12 ans qu’il écrit sa première chanson : “’mushroom clouds’”. Elle parlait de ce à quoi avait du ressembler les explosions atomiques, mais pas du tout de ses effets.


A 13 ans, il avait formé le groupe punk TNT, dans lequel on retrouve déjà Colin Greenwood. Il y devenu chanteur un peu par hasard, et s’est même peroxydé les cheveux  :

[quote ]”I Started singing into this little stereo mike tied to the end of a broomstick handle. Everyone just started falling about laughing, and that was that (…) that was my introduction to singing”.[/quote]


[quote cite=’The Observer, Interview du 18 juin 2006 ‘]At the age of seven, inspired by Queen’s Brian May, he got his mitts on his first guitar, and at 13, he dyed his hair for the first time, flirting with peroxide blonde, black and ginger.[/quote]


En 1987 il rencontre Ed O’Brien et retrouve Colin Greenwood. Le nouveau groupe, nommé On a Friday car le vendredi était pour eux le seul jour de répétition possible, est ensuite complété par le batteur Phil Selway, accompagné par le frère cadet de Colin, Jonny Greenwood.

Il n’aime pas particulièrement l’école, mais la support, surtout pour son département musique :

[quote ]”School was bearable for me because the music department was separate from the rest of the school. It had pianos in tiny booths, and I used to spend a lot of time hanging around there after school. ( article d’Alex Ross, 21 août 2001 :  “The Searchers: Radiohead’s unquiet revolution” )”[/quote]

Thom intègre ensuite l’université d’Exeter, où il étudie l’anglais et l’art. Les membres continuent à répéter alors qu’ils sont dispersés dans des universités différentes. À cette époque, Yorke joue dans le groupe Headless Chickens, et dans un groupe vaguement techno : Flickernoise. Il s’engage dans plein de petits boulots : dans un hôpital psychiatrique, vendeur de fringe, DJ dans le club The Lemon Grove d’Exeter (lors de soirées étudiantes)…. Il rencontre à Exeter Stanley Donwood qui collaborera avec Radiohead par la suite.

C’est aussi à cette époque qu’il fut victime d’un accident de voiture et que sa haine des transports mécaniques commença, et qu’il rencontra une étudiante qui devient ensuite sa compagne et la mère de ses enfants : Rachel Owen.

[button style=’blue’ icon=’iconic-cd’ fullwidth=’true’] Et le succès vint ! [/button]

En 1991, tous les membres d’On A Friday sont de retour à Oxford. Les études sont terminées (ou interrompues). Ils signent chez Parlophone et changent de nom pour Radiohead. Ces prémices du groupe ne sont pas bien glorieux pour Thom, qui a du mal à se trouver. Les premières chansons du groupe, sur Pablo Honey,  retranscrivent souvent ce mal-être… Creep, et les coupes de cheveux complétement folles de l’époque en sont une parfaite illustration !

[quote ]”(He) hit the self-destruct button pretty quickly”; he would drink heavily, which resulted in him randomly cutting his hair off and being too drunk to perform onstage”[/quote]


Thom Yorke avouera un peu plus tard qu’il avait laissé son ego se gonfler…. En 1993 pourtant, Creep offre un succès planétaire à Radiohead.

Le groupe propose The Bends en 1995. Radiohead est invité par le label Parlophone à assurer les premières parties aux Etats-Unis d’un groupe en plein succès : R.E.M.  La rencontre entre Thom Yorke et Michaël Stipe, le chanteur de R.E.M. va être décisive ! Le second va en effet conseiller le premier sur de nombreux points : comment s’habiller, comment se débrouiller avec les nombreuses demandes que reçoivent un groupe de rock, comment faire passer le stress…

Spin.com, How Michael Stipe Taught Thom Yorke to Be a Frontman

[quote ]Yorke recalls that he first saw R.E.M. live in 1989, and tells RS he learned a huge amount on the road when Radiohead served as an opening act during the Monster tour. “He would mumble this crap between songs, like he was talking backwards,” Yorke says of Stipe. “He wasn’t even attempting to be like, ‘Hey, everybody, how ya doing?’ It was this completely evasive thing. But at no point did you ever get the sense he was running away. Everything was just going into that, onto the stage.”

Stipe’s way of distancing himself in order to throw his whole being into the performance makes sense to Yorke now. “The things he was choosing not to do, not to be, were even more powerful than what he did,” Yorke tells RS. “There was this air of deliberately a little fucked up… I liked that.”[/quote]

Thom et Michael en 1995 :


Journal de tournée écrit par Thom en 1995 pour le magazine Q :

[quote ]“First gig with R.E.M. Mr. Stipe comes in before the show to say hello. ‘Hi, I’m Michael. I’m really glad you could do this. I’m a very big fan.’ Wonder how many times I will run this through my brain after today. I’ve never believed in hero worship and so on, but I have to admit to myself that I’m fighting for breath. I’ve had moments in the past two years when time has completely curved and space became a Hitchcock camera trick. At these moments, barriers seem to break in my head and I never see anything in the same way again. And for days and days all I want to do is run around jumping into people’s earshot waving my hands up and down like Bjork and pulling faces. This is one of those moments.”

“Feel 50 feet tall. Shit Shit Shit, this is R.E.M. and they really like us. No I mean they REALLY like us, they’re not just being nice. When someone you really admire gives you something you like that, your shoulders get a little lighter, you feel a little stronger, forever.”


En 1996-1997, le groupe commence à s’émanciper. Les sessions d’enregistrement d’OK Computer sont aussi douloureuse qu’importantes. Chacun membre de Radiohead a la parole, mais à la fin, c’est Thom qui tranche. Il est devenu le leader.  Le troisième album du groupe est un véritable succès, mais Thom a du mal à l’accepter. Il ne sait pas quoi en penser. Ses interrogations sont retranscrites dans la video Meeting People Is Easy.

Le même Michael Stipe sera également présent pour aider Thom dans ses heures sombres après la sortie d’OK Computer.


[button style=’blue’ icon=’iconic-cd’ fullwidth=’true’] L’engagement politique [/button]

A partir de cette époque, Thom Yorke n’hésite plus à partager ses idées politiques avec ses fans et avec les journalistes.

L’album Kid A contient parfois un livret caché avec des textes clairement anti-Blair et anti-capitaliste.

Thom Yorke on politics, Matt Kenard, novembre 2008

[quote ]His accent is non-descript, neither posh or demotic, and his thoughts are scattergun. He pulls himself from one topic to another by just following any burning idea that fires in his brain at that moment. But for a man who has been the recipient of so much unbridled adulation, Yorke is arrestingly humble. He speaks without bluster or bombast, but there’s an intensity and seriousness befitting an activist.

His political activism – “I wouldn’t call it that,” he hits back – has sprouted into a hydra of campaigning lyrics and op-ed articles in newspapers over the past five years. The interface of politics and aesthetics has been a vexed one for a long period, for Yorke and others.[/quote]

Les albums suivants ont tous des graphismes et des paroles très engagées. Thom Yorke partage régulièrement ses combats sur le blog du groupe, le Dead Air Space.

Yorke s’est engagé pour le commerce équitable, pour Amnesty International, CND, les Amis de la Terre, la protection animale (il est végétarien) et surtout Greenpeace, ONG qu’il soutient depuis plusieurs années. Il a joué pour le Tibet en 1999, est allé à la conférence sur le climat de Copenhague en 2009.


[button style=’blue’ icon=’iconic-cd’ fullwidth=’true’] La motivation revient [/button]

En 2000, Radiohead décide de changer de cap, de flirter avec l’électro et sort Kid A, grosse surprise pour les fans. L’influence de Thom Yorke y est énorme. Ses goûts personnels le portent en effet vers le monde du DJ-ing. En 2001, il a invité par exemple DJ Christoph de Babalon à ouvrir pour Radiohead à Vaison la Romaine, en 2003 Four Tet…

Cette affirmation musicale va de pair avec une vie de famille comblée. Thom et Rachel Owen, sa compagne, ont deux enfants. Le premier Noah, né en 2000, est salué dans l’album Kid A.


[button style=’blue’ icon=’iconic-cd’ fullwidth=’true’] Un peu de solo… [/button]

En 2006, Thom annonce son premier album solo, The Eraser. Son amour pour l’electro y triomphe plus librement qu’au sein de Radiohead, où chaque membre a ses propres vues… Mais cela ne signifie pas qu’il quitte ou renie Radiohead.


The Guardian, 2006 :

[quote ]”I want no crap about me being a traitor or whatever splitting up blah blah… this was all done with their blessing.”[/quote]

Le succès est au rendez-vous. L’album The Eraser se classe 3ème des ventes en Angleterre dès sa première semaine, 2ème aux Etats-Unis, au Canada, en Australie, 9ème en Irlande. Des nominations tombent pour le Mercury prize ou les Grammy award.  Cela encourage Thom a poursuivre en parallèle dans cette voie.

Il collabore avec Modeselektor et chante sur le titre The white flash de l’album Happy Birthday! en 2007, puis en 2011 sur les titres Shipwreck et This de l’album Monkeytown. En 2010, il interprète …And the World Laughs with You sur l’album Cosmogramma de Flying Lotus.

[button style=’blue’ icon=’iconic-cd’ fullwidth=’true’] La crise de la quarantaine[/button]

Au tournant des années 2000-2010, Thom Yorke fait une “mini crise de la quarantaine”. Il se plait à intervenir dans des sets DJ un peu partout, avec des artistes comme Doom ou Flying Lotus à qui il demande de remixer ses titres ou ceux de Radiohead…

Il est alors régulièrement accusé par des “artistes” d’être impoli, comme par Miley Cyrus qui se déclare peinée en 2009 d’avoir été snobbée lors d’une soirée…

En 2009, Thom se créé une  nouvelle formation : Atoms for Peace avec des artistes qu’il aime bien : Flea (le bassiste des Red Hot Chili Peppers), Nigel Godrich (le producteur de Radiohead), Joey Waronker (batteur qu’on a vu avec Beck & R.E.M. ) et Mauro Refosco . Quelques concerts sont donnés par ci-par là, jusqu’à la sortie le 18 février 2013 d’un album AMOK suivie d’une longue tournée partout en Europe.

Le succès étant au rendez-vous, Thom Yorke commence à parler de Radiohead avec plus de nuance…

En octobre 2014, alors que l’actualité de Radiohead et de Thom est au calme, c’est avec surprise qu’on apprend la sortie du second album solo de Thom.



[tab title=”Qu’écoute-t-il ? Que lit-il ?”]

ses goûts :


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 21 septembre 2014″]

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” lang=”fr”><p><a href=”https://twitter.com/hashtag/PeoplesClimate?src=hash”>#PeoplesClimate</a> i am Sad I cannot make it on the march today:( i am praying the UN sees another future is possible ! <a href=”http://t.co/wxIlUy2wdY”>pic.twitter.com/wxIlUy2wdY</a></p>&mdash; Thom Yorke (@thomyorke) <a href=”https://twitter.com/thomyorke/status/513618097874690048″>21 Septembre 2014</a></blockquote>
<script async src=”//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js” charset=”utf-8″></script>


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 8 janvier 2014″]

Office chart

without an Umbrella .. or an Ark … yet

1. Manny Pacquiao  by Kool A.D.
2. Weed  by Dj Nigga Fox
3. Stylised & Desensitised  by Eomac
4. She looks like Marisa Tomei  by Nic TVG
6. Lean Manufacturing  by 400ppm
7. Dat Soca Boat  by Mighty Shadow
8. Running Out of Time  by Cliff Lothar
9. Gunshotta  by Machinedrum
10. Accidents/Harmoniques  by Bernard Parmegiani

08 January



[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 30 novembre 2013″]

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” lang=”fr”><p>Office chart for another day on earth granted.. The sun pouring through the brown leaves.. Some music warmth <a href=”http://t.co/BPFwPxQ69O”>pic.twitter.com/BPFwPxQ69O</a></p>&mdash; Thom Yorke (@thomyorke) <a href=”https://twitter.com/thomyorke/status/406772331084660736″>30 Novembre 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src=”//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js” charset=”utf-8″></script>


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 4 mai 2013″]

1. James Holden   Gone Feral

2. King Midas Sound   Aroo

3. Knallkids Marky  Bronco

4. Tapes  Persian Pulse Width

5. Lapalux  Straight over my head

6. James Blake  Every day i ran (bonus track)

7. Karen (Blawan & Pariah)   Studio 3

8. Dark Sky  Double U

9. Aardvark  Nosestep

10. Juju & Jordash  Powwow

11. SS/s  Sicario de Dios: Siglo 2

12. Max Richter  written on the sky



[accordion title=”LECTURE – 23 avril 2013″]

Dans une interview pour Rolling Stone, Thom Yorke déclare apprécier la lecture de Montaigne auquel Rachel l’a initié :

[quote ]Tell me about the book you have with you today – it’s a biography of Michel de Montaigne?

YORKE: Oh, yeah, my partner’s got me into Montaigne. She says you’ve got to start with this. For some reason, I completely missed Montaigne, so now I’m catching up. I like how so much of it correlates to living in the moment and living in the present.[/quote]


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 10 octobre 2012″]

Office Chart from London to Paris

Some things that are currently floating my boat

1. Ride On / Shed

2. Ye Ye / Daphni

3. De-Pimp Act / Luke Vibert

4. High Road / Dusk + Blackdown +

5. Pyramid Lake / Airhead

6. Gov’nor / Doom

7. Alin / The Whitefield Brothers

8. 2 Blunted / Arca

9. Temptation & Desire / Silent Servant

10. Intimacy & Desire / Cathedral X

11. Greetings(feat. Tre) / Jeremiah Jae

12. Brook / Throwing Snow

13. Youstandit / Dak



[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 22 mai 2012″]

office chart …out from under a blanket

back in blighty humans running hither and thither stunned by the sudden release from under a grey thick blanket.

1. Wallow… Falty DL
2. Ratbastid… Mono/Poly
3. Dungeness… Tapes
4. Tears in the rain… Zomby
5. Mysty Garden… Semya
6. U don’t survive (Chrissy Murderbot Rmx)… Machinedrum
7. She Died There (Traxman Rmx)… Machinedrum
8. Peace Beams… Semya
9. MS-14… Mono/Poly
10. Dibby Dibby Sound… DJQ
11. Mystics… Semya
12. Money… Jeremiah Jae




[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 5 mai 2012″]
1. Kurduli Hidjazkiar Taxim Kementchedi Alecco Open Strings
2. Blue Horizon Sidney Bechet The Ultimate Collection
3. Too Polite Feat. Louis Vines Throwing Snow
4. When the Ship Comes In Bob Dylan
5. Gene Piece, R.A.I Bird Pierre Henry, Pierre Schaeffer
6. Strange Fruit Sidney Bechet
7. Shake Your Rump Beastie Boys Paul’s Boutique
8. Ghana: Voices & Percussion Vocalists and drummers of Ghana African Rhythms & Instruments: Vol 1
9. Caves Of Paradise Actress R.I.P.
10.Ascending Actress R.I.P.
11.Ocoras Four Tet


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 28 janvier 2012″]

sysex office chart


it’s very busy round here at the moment..

the office is in fact full of people measuring things and making lists but i have struggled my way to the photocopier to send you an office chart

sit back and enjoy..

1. It was all a dream by Zomby
2. Stayput by Aardvark
3. Percussion One by Percussions
4. Replica by Oneohtrix Point Never
5. Shyness is Golden by Kid606
6. An iceberg hurled northward through clouds by Gold Panda
7. An echo from the hosts that profess infitium by Shabazz Palaces
8. Conquistador by Yesterdays New Quintet
9. Larari-Olala by Jorge Ben
10. The perilous NIght: VI.- by John Cage.. played by Phillipp Vandre
11. Cactus by Objekt
12. La La by The Stepkids
13. Didn’t cha Know by Erykah Badu

……..right where’s me sysex?


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 8 mai 2011″]

Sur le DeaD Air Space :

office chart

even though there is no-one in the office.
we’ve gawn fishing.
well i havent.
neither’s anyone else.
the sun comes out occasionally here, but then we get wet.
im not answering me emails. much.
im listening to these.. amongst other things1. O God Protect Me by Ben Frost
2. Mozaik by Zomby
3. Juke Me From The Back Low by Dj Slugo
4. I Just Woke uP by Wiley
5. Sacred Frequency by Machinedrum
6. Radiance by Surgeon
7. Phoenix(fantastic mr fox remix) by Hyetal
8. German Clap by Modeselektor
9. Hibakusja by Ben Frost
10. The Sun Too Slow by Chris Clark
11. 100%publishing by Wiley
12. Things Fall Apart by Zomby


[accordion title=”7 mai 2011 – Playlist”]

office chart against antimatter

impossible knots and accidental adventures

1. stolen dog Burial
2. carol ann Soft Machine
3. chant to mother earth BLO
4. lowe Brokenchord
5. paradise circus Massive Attack
6. are you ready? Aloe Blacc
7. vibrations(alternate) Mono_Poly
8. another girl Jaques Greene
9. guilty Billie Holiday


[accordion title=”11 février 2011 – Playlist”]

Sur le dead air space :
1.Fog (Jamie xx Remix) Nosaj Thing Drift (Remixed)
2.Tripped Up Ramadanman Re-Edit Shortstuff Mickey Pearce
3. Sun Days Macc & dgoHn
4. Keep Time Shed
5. Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 903: Fantasia Christophe Rousset Bach: Harpsichord Works
6. SP Morgan Zarate
7. Chazm Julio Bashmore
8. Seamonkey (Untold Remix) Moderat
9. Stereo Freeze Untold
10. 7c 1020 Macc & dgoHn


[accordion title=”11 janvier 2011 – Playlist”]

Sur le dead air space :

1.King Of Clubs – Apparat
2.Senorita – Actress
3.South London Boroughs- Burial
4.Organ Concerto in A Minor, BWV 593 after Vivaldi’s Concerto Op. 3, No. 8 – Wolfgang Rübsam
5.Whole World – Aloe Blacc
6.Mosh Pit – DJ Trouble
7.The Curlew – Nathan Fake
8.The Turtle – Nathan Fake
9.A Jackson In Your House – The Art Ensemble of Chicago
10. Kill A Man With A Joystick In Your Hand – D’eon
11. Supreme Cunnilingus – Actress


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 3 décembre 2009″]

office chart .. one for the road

1. Olson 1:29 by Boards Of Canada Music Has The Right to Children
2. Get Off (Rob3 Remix) by Blaqstarr & Diplo Get Off – EP
3. It’s Gonna Rain, Part I (1965) by Steve Reich Early Works
4. Piano Concerto : II. Lento e deserto by Ligeti Project Ligeti: Melodien, Chamber Concerto, Piano Concerto & Mysteries of the Macabre
5. Open Up The Gate by The Congos Heart Of The Congos
6. clusters on a quadrilateral grid 2 by Percussion Group Cincinnati John Luther Adams: Strange and Sacred Noise
7. Dance Dance Dance [Previously Unreleased Version] by Neil Young Neil Young Archives Volume I


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 23 novembre 2009″]

‘as the landscape dissolves…’

1. Prelude in D Major, Op. 23 No. 4>> Vladimir Ashkenazy & James Walker Rachmaninov: Preludes
2. There’s A World [Live At Massey Hall 1971]>> Neil Young from Neil Young Archives Volume I [1963 – 1972]
4. RN2-09 PT1 + PT >> AOKI Takamasa from ununtrium / RN-RHYTHM-VARIATIONS
5. Magnetfeld>> Feadz from 10 Years of BPitch Control
6. Everyone>> The Aliens from Luna
7. Hyper (Instrumental)>> Illum Sphere from Incoming Ep
8. Ghost Train Acid>> Ceephax Acid Crew from Bainted Smile – EP

[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 17 novembre 2009″]

1. Intro + Gold Love Riddim by Tapes from Hissing Theatricals
2. Herzog by Clark from Warp20: Chosen
3. Square Footage by Luke Vibert from We Hear You
4. Take A Ride Version by Dub Specialist from Studio One Dub
5. Incredible by M Beat General Levy from Rumble in the Jungle
6. Quiet Dog by Mos Def from The Ecstatic
7. Dinamo by Nathan Fake from Dinamo
8. Drane by Autechre from Warp20:Chosen
9. Nordic House by Ceephax from Exidy Tours


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 31 octobre 2009″]

happy f***in halloweed

bring out yer dead

1. Goodbye Rute by The Tuss frm Rush Edge
2. Automatic Lover by Dj Blaqstarr frm Supastarr Ep
3. Laika Likes it by Octa Push on 1975
4. Simple Things (Serge Sanitago Rmx) by Shit Robot from Simple Things(work it out)
5. Out of my mind (mono) by Buffalo Springfield of the Neil Young Archive thing
6. Oubilian by Igbayen from The Festival in the desert
7. Plateux 2 End by Alvo Noto and Ryuichi Sakamoto

The E N d


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 14 septembre 2009″]

office chart for grey dewy mornings

1. Hull Drum and Bass by Ceephax from Exidy Tours
2. Huyendo Pt.2 by Alex Cortex from Huyendo EP
3. Bad Organs by Hate Hello Darkness/Bad Organs
4. Becalmed by Brian Eno from Another Green World
5. J&W Beat by Floating Points from J & W Beat
6. very 2 (bonus) by Lucky Dragons from Dream Island Laughing Language
7. L’Ascension: IV. Prière Du Christ Montant Vers Son Père by Messian / Marius Constant
8. Estampes, L. 100: I. Pagodes Pascal Rogé/ Debussy


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 15 mai 2009″]

office chart for friday

leave work early, sit in the traffic, and listen to our fickle tastes

1. Moth by Burial & Fourtet
2. Forward Youth by Rsd
3. Q & A by Fink
4. Piano.Wav by Machinefabriek
5. solitary and time-breaking waves by John Luther Adams
6. the Farthest place by John Luther Adams
7. Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler) by Marvin Gaye
8. Charlie’s House (apparat mx) by Nathan Fake
9. Short Circuit(C64 bypass mix) by Steve Poindexter
10.HOt topic by Le Tigre

Love and kisses


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 12 mars 2009″]

le 12 mars, playlist postée sur le dead Air Space :

Champion Sound by Jaylib from Champion Sound

So Scientific by Dabrye from One/Three

Monday Massacre by Mr Oizo from Flat Beat Ep

Don and Sherri by Matthew Dear from Asa Breed

You & Me by The Bug from London Zoo

Space Beatle by The Beta Band from Heroes to Zeros

Silence by Pj Harvey from White Chalk (hi Polly !)

Rinaldo : Aria : « Augellette, che cantate » by Academy of Ancient Music from Handels Rinaldo (1711 version)

Lilac Wine by Nina Simone from Diva : Nina Simone


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 25 janvier 2009″]

’Ghost Town’ by the Specials

’Dirtbox’ by Harmonic 313 from When Machines Exceed Human Intelligence

’Homeless (Quarta 330 rmx)’ by Cardopusher

’Little Acorns’ by Leila Feat. Khemal & Thaon Richardson from Blood, Looms And Blooms

’Hotta’ by T.O.K.

’Goodnight Georgie’ by Clinic from Internal Wrangler

’Caution Me’ by The Chap from Mega Breakfast

’Mad Again (Jokers Of The Scene – Trancehall Mix) by South Rakkas Crew from Mad Again (Drop The Lime / Fake Blood Mixes)

’I’ll Be Seeing You’ by Billie Holiday

’Impossible Bouquet’ by No Age from Nouns`


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 6 janvier 2009″]

1. Robert Wyatt Stay Tuned

2. Matmos Les Folies Françaises

3. Darkstar Need You

4. Kwaidan Hoichi < kwaidan

5. Four tet Ringer < Ringer Ep

6. Public Enemy Night of the living baseheads

7. The Sight Below At first touch

8. Nina Simone I put a spell on you < feeling good

9. Aaron Martin & Machinefabriek Cello Recycling < cello recycling

10. Plastikman Ping Pong < Closer


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 28 novembre 2008″]

playlist postée sur le dead air space fin novembre :

this weeks office chart

what we might be listening to in the office,

`’what office ?`’

`’you know, at work”

“oh.. right. is that what you call it ?”……….

1. One Ting (Dabrye Remix) >King Midas Sound >Cool Out (Dabrye / Flying Lotus Remix)

2. Serious Times (Truth & Soul Vocal Version) >Gyptian >These Are Some Serious Times

3. Indian Thick Jawns feat. P.E.A.C.E >Diplo >Florida

4. The_Dark_Side_Of_The_Sun_2000_And_One_Remix_>Modeselektor

5. Pathwayz >Digital Mystikz

6. Double Checked > Sascha Funke

7. Bad Boy Lick A New Shot >Ninjaman, Bounty Killer, Beenie Man and Ninja Ford

8. Ick Muss Aus Dit Millieu Heraus >Paul Kalkbrenner

9. harrowdown logic jump rmx

10. Air (Featuring Doom) >Dabrye >Two/Three

11. Angels And Demons At Play >Sun Ra

12. Press The Trigger >Poison Chang >Rumble In The Jungle

13. South Rakkas Crew Remix >The Bug >Poison Dart

14. Encoded Flow (Featuring Kadence) >Dabrye >Two/Three

15. Pussyole (Old Skool) >Dizzee Rascal >Maths + English

16. >John Adams eerrrr… stuff



[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 2007″]

En 2007, Thom Yorke postait sur le DAS un top-10 de ce qu’il écoute sur itunes :

dear iTunes listener…

this is just some stuff that really floats my boats at the moment. the

list is meant to be played from start to finish in the order you see

it with a slight crossfade set in the preferences of 4 seconds like an

old mix tape.

err…maybe. XX love thom<br>

Horse and I – Bat for Lashes

Silikon (Featuring Sasha Perera) – Modeselektor & Sasha Perera

Raid – Madvillain & Medaphoar

I’ve Hardly Been – Stephen Malkmus

Scorn – Surgeon

No Hope Before Destruction – The Dears

Skuff’d – Boxcutter

Closer – Quasimoto & Madvillain

Drum Gets a Glimpse – Liars

What It Look Like – Spank Rock

commentaires sur les chansons pré-citées :

“Horse and I” (Track 1) : “natasha khan of bat for lashes ain’t scared. i love the harpsichord and the sexual ghost voices and bowed saws. this song seems to come from the world of grimm’s fairytales, and i feel like a wolf.”

“Silikon (Featuring Sasha Perera)” (Track 2) : “Hello Mom ! break this. into your drink. then stir it. drink down in one go. then go out. for conspicuous consumers everywhere. ’should a known he’d leave you for that little hooker heather.’ oh yeah. Modeselektor are genius. no-one has ever cut up a voice like this.”

“Raid” (Track 3) : “i’d play this on the radio and get your moving your ass in a traffic jam 1st thing in the morning . . . if i was a dj, which i’m not. some people know how to sample. some people know how to rap. but then there’s those who show you how it’s really done . . . like these guys. produced by quasimoto.”

“I’ve Hardly Been” (Track 4) : “genius non-generic nutville not rock music. should have been a hit. i guess this compilation is POP music – at least it is to me . . . with the best guitar solo that never happened . . . ”

“Scorn” (Track 5) : “this is like the storms that await us in our future. i found Surgeon after OK Computer, it is the true sound of post-rave darkness. this is an early one from my favorite bits of vinyl, Basictonalvocabulary.”

“No Hope Before Destruction” (Track 6) : “i heard this a while ago and it has stuck in my head ever since. the way the voice comes in and your speakers freak out. and what he’s saying. it sounds all soppy, oh but then all hell breaks loose. i don’t know much else by them.”

“Skuff’d” (Track 7) : “i love this record because of the lizard bass sound. i don’t know nothing about it. turn the drum machine on.”

“Closer” (Track 8) : “quasimoto and madvillain have done some amazing records. madvillain has the best rhymes . . . nursery rhymes mixed with stream of consciousness and venim and straight observation that read like poems. and quasimoto’s way of constructing tracks is like nothing else.”

“Drum Gets a Glimpse” (Track 9) : “more terror from the subconscious. i love LIARS. they make records that are as good as my favorite records. records that make you think what the f- is this ? and then you fall head over heels for it. this and Spank Rock’s YoYoYoYoYoYo are my fav records last year.”

“What It Look Like” (Track 10) : “when this record came out last year, it cut through all the sh*t for me. it was like a slap ’round the face. the computers speaking over their reference points and pointing to something brand new. turn it up. night night.”


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 23 mars 2000″]

Chansons entendues lors de la webcast du 23 mars 2000 ! et sélectionnées par Thom

: Schizm – Track #2 Mix

: Squarepusher

: Christian Vogel – Mosquito 10

: This Is Mike Ink – Polka Trax 4

: Christoph De Babalon – On The Block (Meet Him)

: Le Tigre – Hot Topic

: Magazine – The Light Pours Out Of Me

: Ad Vans vs. Gescom – Viral

: Andrea Parker – Unconnected

: Wevie Stonder – Questionable ( how ironic !)

: Autechre – Various Artists 8.5 (fat cat)

: Talking Heads – Cross Eyed and Painless

: Alder & Elins – Digital Toddler

: Autechre – 777

: Justin Berkon – The Juice

: Autechre – Rae

: Can – ?

: Funkstorung rmx of Wu Tang Clan

: Faust – Skinhead

: autechre – tortoise rmx

: Squarepusher/ Aphex Twin – FHM Acid

: Gescom – Keynell

: Can – Moonshake


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 10 février 2000“]Lors de la webcast du 10 février 2000

Marlene Shaw – California Soul

Stetsosonic -All That Jazz

Captain Beefheart – Sun Zoom Spark

Five Ounces Of Soul – Love Got A Piece of Your Mind

Commodores – Machine Gun

P J Harvey – OStella

PIL – Flowers Of Romance

John Barry – The Danny Scipio Theme

The Beat – Save It For Later

Lou reed – Vicious

Incredible Bongo Band – Bongo Rock

Charles Wright – I’m Aware

The Movie Album – Goin’ hollywood

Charles Sherell – Yes It’s You

Schooly D – Do It Do It

South Bronx – Hip Hop Til You Drop

Charles Sullivan – Genesis

Betty Davis – F.U.N.K

Ray Charles – Night And Day

Hall + Oates – Had I Known You Better Then

Kraftwerk – Tour De France

? Felicidade

With These Themes 3 – Avro Car

Neu ! – Fur Immer

Bob Marley – Single Dub

Linda Lyndelt – What A Man

The Specials – Ghost Town

Sergio Mendes – After Sunrise

Velvet Underground – Who Loves The Sun

Virna Lindt – Attention Stockholm

Barrett Strong – Money

Tom Waits – Such A Scream

Marvyn Gaye – ?

Gerry Mulligan – Morning Of The Carnival

Joe Quarterman and Free Soul – Live Now Brothers


[accordion title=”PLAYLIST – 1997″]1997

Fin décembre, le magazine Mojo a interrogé Thom et Colin concernant leur goûts musicaux du moment.

Thom : « Five of my favorite records from this year : Laika, ’sounds of the satellites’. They toured with us and deserve more recognition ; ’Portishead’ by Portishead. This is their second album. It is better than the first. I love them… Lee ’Scratch’ Perry’s ’Arkology’. This counts doesn’t it ? My favourite thing is listening to it while looking at photos of the studio before it burnt down. Guided By Voices, ’Mag Earwhig’. The only band who have sussed recording and are happy to make things as long as my limited attention span will allow. Reminds me of Pixies’ ’Surfer Rosa’. Also Dr Octagon, ’Octagynecologist’. Blue flowers is my favourite song of this year. Not sure about the sex stuff, but the rhymes shit all over the lyrics I’ve written. »




[tab title=”Son matériel, ses instruments”]

article complet ici : http://www.radiohead.fr/thom-instruments-materiel/




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Chris Hufford



Amatrice du groupe, surtout en concert. Travaille sur ce site depuis 10 ans.


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