
Fender Stratocaster blanche

aperçue à l’occasion de quelques photos de l’époque 2005-2007 :

Plank, le technicien du groupe, a dans un premier temps posté la photo de la guitar sur son blog le 1er mars 2006, avant d’en parler un peu le 14 mars 2006, notamment pour détailler les changements opérés dessus :
[quote cite=”1 mars”] pic is of an unusual early 60’s Strat…….


[quote cite=”14 mars”]Guitar servicing day today – amongst other things, checking out the sustainer units and trying to find some spares, also setting up Ed’s old strat which is getting a fair amount of use at the moment- a nice one but a bit heavy as were a lot of the late 70’s Fenders – I remember the day it was bought brand new and white….the nut was bone for a long while but now has a brass one fitted which has more bite to it……[/quote]

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Amatrice du groupe, surtout en concert. Travaille sur ce site depuis 10 ans.

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