les membres du groupe et leur univers

The Frank and Walters

[infobox title=’Les dates avec Radiohead’]


En 1992-3 (du 27 octobre au 19 août), Radiohead a assuré quelques premières parties de The Frank and Walters, et l’entente a été parfaite entre les deux groupes :

[quote cite=”Colin Greenwood Q179, août 2001″ avatar=”http://www.radiohead.fr/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/colin05-150×150.jpg”]The Frank And Walters really came to our rescue. The tour was an excellent platform for our career. They were huge at the time and it’s something that none of us in Radiohead will ever forget. At that time you always had to pay for the privilege of getting a support slot, but they didn’t want any money from us. To this day anybody who supports Radiohead will never have to pay cash.[/quote]

[quote cite=”Ashley Keating (batteur, The Frank And Walters)” cite=”idem”]
There wasn’t much in the way of laughs. I’ve never met another band like them. They wouldn’t have a drink, they didn’t chase women, they’d go back to the hotel early. They were getting up at a normal time to eat their breakfast. The bassist and the drummer were just the most untrendy blokes in the world. At the time we were thinking They’re kind of mature. Boring, I guess.
It was almost like being on a scouting trip. They were just so focused on the music, as if they’d huddle and go Right we’ve got to work harder, play a bit more intensely, as if they thought out everything they did. Most people just get pissed and hope for the best. You couldn’t tell from the music they were going to be great, but you could from their camaraderie. They obviously had the blueprint in their back pocket all the time. They were obviously seeing the bigger picture.[/quote]

Biographie wikipedia : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Frank_and_Walters

[quote ]The Frank and Walters est un groupe de rock irlandais originaire de Cork. Ce trio créé par les frères Paul et Niall Linehan fait irruption dans la scène indépendante britannique en 1991 avec le single Fashion crisis hits New York et séduit immédiatement les critiques et le public par ses mélodies débridées et accompagnées de paroles loufoques sans prétention. Un premier album Trains Boats and Planes, sort en 1993, avec les singles Happy Busman et After all. Ce single atteint la 11e place dans les charts britanniques et le remix d’After all par Ian Broudie fera partie des 20 meilleurs ventes de singles.

Leur deuxième album, The Grand Parade, sort en 1997, avec notamment la chanson Colours. En 1998 et 2000 paraissent deux autres albums, Beauty becomes more than life et Glass, avant qu’un best of ne sorte en 2002.

Le guitariste Niall Linehan a quitté le groupe en 2005.

En 2006, le groupe maintenant comprenant toujours Ashley Keating à la batterie et récemment Kevin Pedreschi à la guitare, a sorti A Renewed interest in happiness.[/quote]

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Amatrice du groupe, surtout en concert. Travaille sur ce site depuis 10 ans.

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