Elijah Wood
En juin 2012, l’acteur Elijah Wood, qui a fondé un petit label, expliquait dans le NME qu’il aurait bien aimé signer un disque de Radiohead :
[quote cite=”” cite=”NME, juin 2012″ avatar=”http://www.radiohead.fr/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Capture-d’eÌcran-2013-05-10-aÌ€-14.45.46.png”]It was a fantasy of mine that I could release one of their records,” saying the idea had come from, “A very brief period of time where Radiohead were looking to release ‘In Rainbows’ but they didn’t have a label. In my heart of hearts I knew that was absolutely impossible, but you know, you know I’m a huge Radiohead fan.[/quote]
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