

Première version de la chanson : 1972, Roxy Music (album Roxy music)
Reprise  : mai-juin 1997 par The Velvet Goldmine (Thom sur les choeurs)


[button icon=’iconic-cd’ fullwidth=’true’] 1972 [/button]

La chanson, écrite par Bryan Ferry, est enregistrée une première fois en 1972 par Roxy Music pour leur album éponyme. Ferry en enregistra une version solo en 1976. Le titre est une dédicace à Humphrey Bogart (“2HB” = “To Humphrey Bogart”), en particulier pour son rôle dans Casablanca.

La version Roxy Music :


[button icon=’iconic-cd’ fullwidth=’true’] Début 1997 [/button]

Thom et Jonny ont rejoint Bernard Butler, Clune, Paul Kimble, et Andy Mckay (un ancien de Roxy Music) pour former une sorte de groupe appelé The Venus in Furs formé spécialement pour la BO du film Velvet Goldmine, un long-métrage britannique déjanté, qui sortira en 1998 avec entre autres Christian Bale, Jonathan Rhys Meyers et Ewan Mac Gregor.


Pour 2HB, Thom est crédité dans la partie chœurs.


[quote cite=”Thom Yorke / Studio Brussel, 13 juin 1997″]DJ: “Let’s talk about happier things: the music Thom and Jonny Greenwood wrote for the Velvet Goldmine for instance, the movie made by REM singer Michael Stipe

Thom: “Yeah, that was cool! That was cover of errrmm me and Jonny and Bernard Butler and this brilliant drummer called Cloon (?!), we were doing ermmmm em Roxy Music covers of 2hb and Bittersweet and erm can’t even remember the other one, um and it was great erm we did it like two days after we had mastered the record you know I went in and did an impression of Brian Ferry and then met him two days later as well, that was wild. And Brian Eno, and it was all sort of orchestrated by um well put together by Michael Stipe ’cause he is executive producer of the film so it was a chance to see him again, which was really good.”[/quote]
[quote cite=”Jonny Greenwood / RTÉ 2fm, 20 juin 1997”]Dave: “What about the Velvet Goldmine? Is it nice for you to be working on a different project?

Jonny: “Yeah, but I can’t see us doing that kind of thing often. I really just wanted to meet Bernard Butler *laughs*.

Dave: “What was going on with that, was Michael Stipe producing?

Jonny: “He was in the corner shouting “That’s cool” occasionally…

Dave: “What is it?

Jonny: “It’s some Roxy Music covers, of some really rare, obscure, early Glamrock stuff. 2HB.

Dave: “One of the great Roxy Music songs, off an early album…

Jonny: “We got, [Brandie Maxie] he plays sax on the whole thing.[/quote]

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