
tournée=un test

Plank, le technicien favori du groupe, a posté un nouveau message sur son blog, où il nous explique que le groupe a bien avancé depuis quatre semaine, travaillant à tête reposée, loin des contraintes du direct, ce qu’il était compliqué de travailler en live (les nouvelles chansons expérimentées) … On ne peut s’empêcher de penser à BIG Ideas, qui pourrait ENFIN connaître un enregistrement…

“A very slow day today, feeling terrible with monstrous headache……..Well, the last four weeks has seen an incredibly busy and productive recording session, we weren’t sure whether it would work when we started, as the whole place was falling to bits, with the rooms thick with stale air and water gushing through the roof during stormy weather………….
After much effort by all and tons of equipment, we managed to build a nice few rooms inside which made it feel good and it worked !!
It’s good being able to actually listen to the songs now – it’s not possible on tour as always watching and listening for problems and being prepared to sort them out demands such a different head space, which is a very long way from having a couple of beers at the end of the night and listening………great !!” 

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Amatrice du groupe, surtout en concert. Travaille sur ce site depuis 10 ans.

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