
Stupid car

Sortie sur un EP : 5 mai 1992 (Drill)
Seule version live : 11 février 1993 (Cheshire)
réenregistrement : 29 juillet 1993 (Tinitus mix)

Il s’agit de la première chanson que Thom a écrite sur le thème de l’accident de voiture, sûrement en référence de celui qui l’a marqué en 1987. Le thème de la conduite ratée (qui mène à dérailler) se mêle ici avec celui de la conduite d’une relation qui semble elle aussi déraper…

[quote cite=”Thom Yorke / Addicted To Noise, juin 1996″]Oh, OK. Why are there so many references to cars? Well, I’ll tell you why. It’s because when I was younger, my parents moved to this house, which was a long long way from Oxford, and I was just at the age where I wanted to go out the whole time. I used to have this one car, and I very nearly killed myself in it one morning, and gave my girlfriend at the time really bad whiplash in an accident. I was 17. Hadn’t slept the night before. Anyway, eventually, my dad bought me another car, a Morris Minor, you know, and when you drove around corners in it, the driver door used to fly open. Um, and I’d only do 50 miles an hour, and on the road that went from my house to Oxford, there was fucking maniacs all the time, people who would drive 100 miles an hour to work, and I was in the Morris Minor, and it was like standing in the middle of the road with no protection at all. So I just gradually became emotionally tied up in this whole thing.[/quote]


[button icon=’iconic-cd’ fullwidth=’true’] 5 mai 1992 [/button]
On peut entendre la première version de la chanson sur l’EP Drill dès 1992 …


[button icon=’iconic-cd’ fullwidth=’true’] 11 février 1993 [/button]

La chanson a été jouée en live acoustique par Thom lors de la session à Chesire en 1993… Elle ne sera jamais rejouée en concert par le groupe !

[button icon=’iconic-cd’ fullwidth=’true’] 29 juillet 1993 [/button]

La chanson a ensuite été réenregistrée pour la compilation Sharks Patrol These Waters Volume 7 et son remix a été appelé Tinitus remix (C’est Chris Hufford qui a travaillé ce remix), la seule différence est que l’on entend par derrière le souffle du vent.


La revue de Select, en novembre 1999 :
[quote ]STUPID CAR
‘Drill’ EP
Cars have long been a staple of rock’n’roll lyrics, a tradition Thom has keenly continued. Few, though, have brought quite the same paranoia and disgust to the subject. Armchair psychologists don’t have to look far to find the root of this obsession: in 1987 he was in a car accident in which his then-girlfriend suffered whiplash. This short, unadorned ballad was the only EP track not to make the debut album. Worth noting, is the Yorke-patented balladic bellow (after two minutes) – clearly considered a worthwhile feature.[/quote]

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28 avril 1992, Newcastle upon Tyne , Riverside

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7 mai 1992, Middlesbrough, Polytechnic University Teeside



Amatrice du groupe, surtout en concert. Travaille sur ce site depuis 10 ans.

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