les membres du groupe et leur univers

Money For Jam

[infobox title=’Avec On A Friday’]

On A Friday a joué avec "Money for Jam" sur ces dates :
1 - 1991, Bath, Moles

Money For Jam est un groupe qui a assuré la première partie de Radiohead il y a trèèèèès longtemps. La bassiste Hannah Griffiths a raconté à Record Collector en novembre 1998 :
[quote ]“They had to use our drumkit, because
theirs was in such a state. It was strange to see so many people turn
up to see them. You could sense something was happening. Thom was like a
little kid, having tantrums all over the stage. We shared the door
money – we got about £30 each.”[/quote]

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Amatrice du groupe, surtout en concert. Travaille sur ce site depuis 10 ans.

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