
messages de Thom sur le DAS

“having just been elected in a landslide

this is just my mind
a way to keep time
clasping at straws
grabbing at branches

i was supposed to go and see arcade fire tonight
but its full moon
and i can;t feel the top of my head

i do no t understand

(m e n t a l)

do you find people hate you now?
all those years ago you mujst hav e thought yourself invincible.
oh but hate takes too much effort.
i am sorry for us.”


+ un lien :
i have all the answers here in my pocket

"more 2lines
hurling through the forest
the dancing bodies kick up the dust

there’s only 15stages
then a frozen lake

the sea comes out to meet
empty of it’s fishes"

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in the conversation pit n°3

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in the conversation pit n°4



Amatrice du groupe, surtout en concert. Travaille sur ce site depuis 10 ans.

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