Happy song
Enregistrement : 1988
Fuite sur Internet : décembre 2005
[button icon=’iconic-cd’ fullwidth=’true’] 1988 [/button]
Une trèssssssssss vieille chanson du groupe de 1988 auquel participaient les futurs membres de Radiohead, musicalement plus varié (il y avait deux saxophonistes !), enregistrée en 1988 aux studios Woodworm par l’ingénieur du son Dave Pegg
Charlotte Cotton – Saxophone
[button icon=’iconic-cd’ fullwidth=’true’] 29 décembre 2005 [/button]
La chanson a refait surface sur le net à l’époque de noël 2005… on ne sait pas bien comment, mais deux démos du groupe (une de 1988 avec trois chansons, dont Happy Song, et une deuxième plus fournie de 1990)
[button icon=’iconic-cd’ fullwidth=’true’] 19 mars 2009 [/button]
Un fan obtient un petit déjeuner-interview avec Ed, et profite de l’occasion pour l’interroger sur ces vieilles démos… Ed désigne le coupable de cette diffusion : Nigel Powell, un vieil ami (mais aucune rancune !)
[quote cite=”Ed O’Brien / Italo Rossi’s Breakfast with Ed O’Brien”]Italo: Have you heard anything regarding your very, very old songs from the On a Friday days? I mean, there’s, I don’t know how, some of those songs leaked onto the Internet.
Ed: Oh, I know.
Italo: There’s people familiar with this very old song called “Happy Song”…
Ed: Yeah [Laughs hard]
Italo: …and “To Be a Brilliant Light”. I was about to bring these on my iPod but I forgot it. Maybe you would have a laugh with that. But it’s definitely you guys playing, it still has the personality there.
Ed: Oh yeah, it’s us! But it’s very early, it was leaked; basically we had an old friend of ours, Nigel, who we did some 4-track recording with. And there were songs that we did when we were like a band that was a year old. And, he was a friend of ours and he… he put… he had all our stuff on DAT, backed up. And, he was our lighting engineer. He did our lights for us from 92 through to 93. And then he put it all on the internet, which is a bit of a shock!
Italo: He did it?!
Ed: He did it. [/quote]
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