Guitare trafiquée par Plank n°2
Cette guitare a été “fabriquée” par Plank, le technicien préféré du groupe, à partir de plusieurs autres guitares. La caisse semi-acoustique vient certainement d’une rickenbacker, et le manche d’une gibson.
Une photo de 1997-98 :
Une description en anglais qui doit dater de cette époque :
[quote ]« It seems to be armed with Dual Red Lace Sensors both in the neck and in the bridge, a tone and a volume control, a pich-up selector ans a bridge with whammy bar ».[/quote]
et une description de Plank lui-même sur son blog, le 4 avril 2007 :
[quote ]« Eds plank has an 80’s Kahler standard trem fitted – I think they have just started making these again – not to everyones taste as they have a very light feel…. »[/quote]
Ed en joue sur des chansons comme Just, My Iron Lung, Climbing Up The Walls, des vieilles chansons principalement !
tournée 2001-2002
et parce qu’on est jamais mieux servi que par soi-même, Plank, qui en a un peu marre de lire tout et n’importe quoi, nous apporte lui-même des précisions sur son blog en avril-mai 2006 :
[quote ]” I have read several articles over the last few years about the guitar I made for Ed, hopeful this will help settle any misunderstandings… Pictured here is the mk 2 version of Eds custom built guitar which I made from scratch throughout 1994 in my friend Pauls workshop, not from spare parts !! I had made a few before this but it was the first attempt at our own design although it is getting very hard to be different as most variations on the classic designs have been done many times. Lets face it Leo Fender got it right 50 years ago with the telecaster ! The neck through body section is 3 splices of rock maple glued together with centre section spun round to aid stability. The body sides are mahogany, these are routed out to approx 10mm from sides and back, the face is birds eye maple, these are planed and glued together before attaching to centre section. Fingerboard is ebony with mother of pearl markers although the original was done with abalone. Scale length is 25 11/32 which is slightly shorter than Fender scale.”[/quote]
et bonus, il poste la photo :
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